(4) Daughter

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"So, what's the problem? Honey, Mori." Tamaki said

It was only the seven Hosts in the room. Suuna hasn't arrived yet.

"We need to come up with a charm type for Asu-chan!" Honey declared

"She could just think of it herself" Hikaru said

"But, she said that she didn't care!"

"What?!" They all said

"Hmmm, we don't really know that much about Suuna yet" Haruhi replied

"Wait, who's "Suuna?" Tamaki asked

"It's Asuna's nickname. She wants to be called that" She replied

"Suuna.....Suuuuuuna~" Tamaki started testing out the name.

"Good Morning Haruhi, Everyone" Suuna walked into the room and stood next to Haruhi.

"So, did you read the article we were given yesterday?" Haruhi asked

"Yep, I finshed it"

Tamaki didn't hear the rest of their conversation, his eyes just focused on his two cute "daughters" smiling and talking to each other with a light pink backround and flowers behind them.

"Suuna....Suuuuuna" He played out again.

"HOW CUTE~~~~~~~!!!" Tamaki cried and ran towards the girls and hugged them.

"AHHHG!" The two grunted.

"It's so beautiful to see that my two daughters are getting along!" He rubbed his face against theirs.

"D-Daughters!?" Suuna yelled

Tamaki let go of the hug.

"Yes, daughters" He said

Haruhi and Suuna looked at each other then back at Tamaki.

"Oh my goodness how precious! You guys are exchanging looks!" He proudly said

"I swear I won't let ANYTHING happen to you guys!" he added passionately while fisting the air.

"What.....just happened"

Kaoru wrapped his arm around Suuna as Hikaru wrapped his around Haruhi.

"Well you guys are screwed. Ahahahahaha!" They both laughed

"YOU TWO! Don't touch my daughters!" Tamaki shoo'd the twins away.

"Hey~ that's not fair. Why do you get the toys all for yourself?" They asked.

"Huh?! Toys?!" Haruhi yelled

Suuna sighed.

"It's so early in the morning, and I honestly don't want to deal with all this bullshit" She sighed


"But...We're not toys. If you objectify us one more time" Suuna's casted darkness on her face and one of her eyes were visible.

"I'll be fresh out of mercy" She finished/whispered, creepyly glaring at all of them.

"Oh man...."

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