(40) Literally WTF

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"Don't you think that Suuna is acting scary odd today?" The twins asked.


Suuna was standing completely still, looking at nothing with no emotion.

"I'm very creeped out...." Haruhi shivered.

"What has gotten into her?" Tamaki asked.

"I don't know. She's been like that once we walked into this room. Asu-chan has never gotten here earlier than Takashi and I" Honey said.

"In fact, she always arrives here late" Kyoya added.

Everyone just kept staring at her.

Tamaki cleared his throat, "Suuna...?"

Suuna instantly turned her head, "MA"



"What the hell? Is she trying to be a robot?" Hikaru asked.


"Hahah Suuna, what a nice act! Is that why you were standing there in the same position for thirty minutes?" Kaoru asked.

Suuna firmly turned her body towards them and stiffly walked. She scanned Kaoru's face.

"Kaoru Hitachiin. 15 years old. 175 centimeters tall. Blood type B..." She spoke stiffly.


"Wearing skyblue underpants..."


"Calculating......." She held her index finger up.

"Penis size of 10 inches"


"It seems like my calculations were wrong...Recalculating...."

"Correction, penis size of 5 inches"

"Hah" Haruhi laughed.

Kaoru turned red and covered his crotch with his hands, "What are you even saying?!"

"My scanner is broken. Excuse me while I fix it" She stated and started to unzip her shirt.

Everyone tensed up.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Kyoya grabbed her wrists from unzipping it any farther.

"I need to fix the scanner. Please allow me to" She yanked her wrists back which caused both of them to fall onto the ground.

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