(37) "What is Happening?"

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The hosts were at the Ootori's residence inside Kyoya's room.

Some of his maids treated the hosts' bruises they had.

Suuna sat on a couch that was in his room, waiting to get her injuries patched up.

Kyoya walked up to with a medical box fill with supplies in his hand. He sat across from her.

"May I see your arm?" He asked. She brought it out as he started to clean up the bruises and the small cuts.

"Why am I getting so nervous now? Usually I could make fun of him and talk to him easily. God, what's going on?"

"Is it me? But they've gotten really awkward...." Tamaki whispered.

"You don't remember? Kyoya-senpai kissed Suuna's forehead when she brought in the keys." Hikaru whispered.

"And she was distracted and blushing like crazy and then the cat lady punched her." Kaoru whispered.

"Ara, looks like a beginning to a lovestory." Haruhi said. The hosts had confused faces.

"How could that be? They always have insulting comeback battles and now, they're in love?" Tamaki asked.

"Hey, things happen."

Suuna looked down from Kyoya's face as he treated her. She felt kinda uncomfortable around him, yet, she wanted to get closer.

"I hate this feeling." She thought.

Kyoya pretended like nothing had happened, but he was confused of why he just suddenly made a move to kiss her head. And why a KISS?

He was confused about his feelings also, but now isn't the time to think about them.

"Are there any other injuries that I missed?" He asked.

"Huh, this isn't his regular tone." Suuna thought.

"Um, I think I'm all good. T-Thanks." She said.

"Hey, didn't your forehead start bleeding after that Kazeno girl punch you?" Hikaru asked.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that" Suuna said.

"I'll get to that in a second." Kyoya said while pulling out a bunch of bandages.

She pulled her bangs up and tied it in a half updo to get it out of the way.

Then, he got closer to her so he could clean up the cut.

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