(14) Feisty Side

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Suuna walked away from the hosts and down the hallway.

"I am so gonna regret that" She thought.

"Gah, then I have to prove to them that I'm strong. Holy—Haruhi was drugged for fucks sake! I'm doing what has to be done....right?"

"Shit, wrong turn" Suuna cursed while almost getting lost on her way to the courtyard.

She finally got to the courtyard to see nobody there.

Suuna was fully alerted that someone was gonna jump on her.

And so,

"Hya!" Merlin popped out of nowhere and attacked her.

"Ugh! You're that....Merlin" Suuna growled and kicked her off.

"You were the one who drugged Haruhi!" She shouted.

Merlin smirked.

"It was bait to get you here." She smirked and pointed at Saraik, tied up.

"Oh, Asuna. Hey" He said sarcastically

"Because of your little affair with Mr.Saraik, I'll make you pay for hurting Priscilla!" Merlin ran up to Suuna and started to fight her.

Suuna dodged all of her moves.

Merlin extended her arm after a missed punch, Suuna grabbed it an threw her into the ground.

"Arg!" She yelped in pain.

"That's for hurting my friend" Suuna growled.

Merlin laughed and stood up, until a knee was launched into her stomach.

She stumbled back and Suuna then head butted her.

Suddenly, she pulled out a renaissance knife with a discolored blade.

"Dodge this you slut!" She started to attack her with the knife.

Suuna grabbed her skull and pressed it against the wall.

"drop the damn knife"

"I'll kill you" Merlin growled and Suuna slammed her head into her wall.


"Suuna!" she heard her friends call

"Suuna" Haruhi called, she was already better.


Merlin pushed her off and made a cut in her shoulder


"This is your last!" Merlin was about to jab the blade into her head until Suuna pushed away her arm.

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