(23) My Dearest

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The Host Club knocked on her apartment door.

"Suuna? It's us" Tamaki called. There was no answer.

"Suuna~~?" Kaoru called.

"Maybe she's not home" Honey said while holding a box of "luxurious food."

They started getting worried.

"Where would she go? Don't tell me....." Hikaru stuttered.

"She wouldn't, okay?" Kaoru replied.

"Well we wouldn't know because she's not here"

"That's enough you two" Kyoya sighed.

Just then, gritting from the gravel was heard from someone walking. They turned around to see Suuna walking towards them with the recused cat she got from the alley walking next to her.

"Hey" She greeted.

"Oh, Suuna, we were looking for you" Haruhi said.

"How long were you waiting? Sorry for being late" She said.

"We just arrived. Don't worry, we were the ones who visited without you knowing." Kyoya smiled reassuringly.

"Alright, if you guys want to talk, let's do it outside because unfinished stuff is happening inside my flat right now" she replied.

"Of course, we'll be waiting at the park near here."

"Okay" They walked away.

Suuna put her kitten, that she named "Rambo", inside the flat.

She closed the door behind her to quickly change into denim jeans, a red tank top and a black trench cardigan.

Rambo was about to eat the apple in the fruit basket on the table.

"Do you want to die?" Suuna asked while slipping on black sneakers.

Rambo jumped off the table.

"That's what I thought" Suuna left her flat and locked the door.

She walked to the park where her friends were waiting for her at a bench.

"So, what did you need to talk about?" She asked, sitting next to Haruhi and Kyoya.


"BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, I HAVE SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO ASK!" Honey announced. Everyone looked at him.

"Asu-chan, which cake would you like?" He asked while holding out a few slices of cake. Everyone had pupil-less eyes and sweat drops.

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