(3) "I'm a Host!"

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"Erm, yeah, I'm a girl" Haruhi laughed

"Oh. Okay" Suuna replied

"You're not surprised?"


"Oh, okay, well then"


"What an awkward conversation" Tamaki said

"Commoners talk" Suuna said

"You're not included" Haruhi added

"Oah! How rude!"


~First Day as a Host~

Suuna was bringing a tray of tea sets over to Tamaki's table where the most customers take place.

"Oh! Asuna! We were just talking about you" Tamaki smiled

"Great.....Hi" Suuna greeted the girls at his table and placed the tray on the table.

"Would you like a refill?" She asked

"Yes please!" The girls smiled as she poured the tea into their cups.

"So, have you had any customers on your first day?" A girl asked

"I haven't had any of these customers. Nor do I want or need any. I'm fine with the way I am." Suuna picked up the tray.

"By being a maid" She finished

"Woah~~" The girls clapped

"How are you supposed to be a Host when you don't deal with the customers?! Hosts aren't maids!" Tamaki whined

"If I'm stuck with you guys then I'm fine with being a maid" Suuna sighed

"If you want to be a maid then at least wear the outfit" Hikaru and Kaoru pulled out a revealing maid outfit.

"There's absolutely no way I'm getting into that. Again, I'm fine with the way I am" Suuna sighed once again.

"Oh, Asuna! Where did you get your dress? It looks super cute!" A girl from Tamaki's table asked

"I sewed it" She replied

"How talented! My mother keep trying to teach me how to sew but who needs it when I have someone to do it for me" The rich girls laughed

"Well, you do have an eye for design Asuna. It might not be high fabric but it's design is something you can find in a high classed dress store" They said

"Wow, thank you." Suuna smiled

"Funny story, the emo nerd with glasses and the two ginger grumlins said that my dress was PpMFFFT--" The twins and Kyoya covered her mouth and dragged her away.

"Don't mention our poor moments to the customers please" Kyoya said.

The twins let go of her.

"Fine, it was called storytelling but whatever."

"By the way, my name is Kyoya. I'm not quite the emo nerd you though I would be" He said

"Oh, and I'm Kaoru and this is Hikaru. And we're not grumlins" The twins said.

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