(45) See You Tomorrow!

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A/N: #Crying


Behind the Door: Beginning to the End

"I cannot believe that the school year is ending" Haruhi sighed.

"Me neither. I almost want to stay in first year forever" Suuna replied.

"Haruhi, Suuna, come here!" Tamaki called.

The two walked up to the group, "Yes?"

"Since the school year is ending, Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai are going to college, so this was their last year" He explained.

"We're planning on having an "end of the year" closing event altogether. We need some ideas of what it should be" Kyoya added.

"We don't have any ideas right now" The twins said,

"I don't have any ideas either....." Haruhi replied.

"What about you, Suuna? You usually have good ideas"

Suuna looked at the ceiling, thinking of an answer. When she thought of one, she secretly smiled.

"Nah, I got nothing"

"Lies~~~~, I saw that little smile of yours. What was it?" Kyoya asked.

She smiled at them, "Let's sing together."

They all smirked, "That's a plan"


"Bask in the light of day with all your might, and start walking with me~" Suuna finished singing the last verse.

"Amazing!" The hosts said.

"I'm not going to cry..." Tamaki whimpered.

"Oh yeah. Tomorrow's the 8th of June so...."

"WE ONLY HAVE ONE DAY TO PRACTICE!" They all screamed.

"Wait, I thought that closing event was on the 18th!" Suuna exclaimed.


"What the hell!? Okay okay, we'll do this" Suuna focused.

"Everyone will sing at least one verse. And then, we all will sing together for the chorus" She explained.

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