(27) Strangers

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During the weekend, Suuna didn't talk to the hosts. Even Haruhi.

Didn't reply to calls or read the messages.

It was a Monday.

The twins and Haruhi expected her to be in the classroom, but she wasn't there.

After class, they ran to the third music room to inform everyone that Suuna wasn't in class.

"Huh? She's not there?" Tamaki exclaimed.

"No, she wasn't"

"You guys didn't hear?" Renge walked into the room.

"She moved to Class 1-B."

"So, we can't see her at all?"

"I don't know, just give me my phone back" Renge sassed as Kyoya gave her the phone and she walked out.

"We messed up...She really doesn't like us anymore" Kaoru looked to the floor.

"She even changed classes."

Later in the day, they were heading to lunch and Suuna was walking in the same hallway.

When they were about to pass her, she looked away from their gaze.


It has been two months.

The club wasn't the same. It lost the unpredictable girl filled with surprises up her sleeve.

Suuna was acting like they were strangers. They've never heard her voice in a while.

Every time someone asks about her absence, their stomach drops and sadness fill their faces.

As for Suuna,

Once again, she was alone and independent. She didn't rely on anyone but herself.

She has locked up her true self again, that caring and sweet trait wasn't to be seen in public.

Sure, she connected with Priscilla, Saraik, Renge and some close guys that used to be her customers once in a while.

Every time she sees the hosts, she averts her gazed to the side, away from them. Acting like they've never met. But she still remembers deeply about that one time.

Suuna DID see that coming. She knew once she depends on people, they won't help, they won't believe her. She didn't learn her lesson, now she did.

But deep down, she missed hosting. She missed them.

She missed getting surprise hugs from the twins, getting called a "daughter" by Tamaki, head ruffles from Mori, comeback battles with Kyoya, sharing their annoying pain with Haruhi, and Honey calling her "Asu-chan."

Even though she hated that, it felt like there was something missing in her life. She wondered if getting closer to them was a bad idea. She thought about crawling back to them. But she just tried to dismiss that.

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