(10) Suuna in Psycholand

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*Suuna's dream*

The host club were falling from the sky.

"We're literally gonna die from fall damage!" Haruhi yelled.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" They all yelled, still falling.

"Wait! I got an idea!" Tamaki used his blue school uniform blazer as a parachute.

Everyone did the same. But Suuna didn't have one, so Haruhi clinged onto her.

"Haruhi, you have to let me go" Suuna said.

"But, you'll die!"

"Not if I land in the water. Please keep my prized possession" Suuna gave Haruhi her laptop.

"If I die, this will be the last thing I owned. Please clear my search history."


Suuna let go of Haruhi and fell fast.

She splashed into the water and swam to the shore.

The rest landed and waited for her to come back up the surface.

"Gah!" She breathed after swimming several kilometers.

"Ay! Suuna's back!" The twins cheered and helped her up.

"I'm soaking" She said as she squeezed the water from her skirt and shirt.

"Where are we?" She looked around and they were in a deep forest.

"It'll take days to get to town. We have to get moving." Mori said.


Suuna had her skirt rolled up to her knees and her sweater was around her waist.

"You could've used your skirt as the parachute" Hikaru smirked.

"That's ridiculous" Suuna sighed.

"It's getting dark. We have to spend the night here." Kyoya said.


Suuna made the fire and cooked the food.

"Here, wear this" Mori gave Suuna his white collared shirt that would be too oversized for her.

"You can't sleep with wet clothes"

"Oh, thank you" She smiled and went behind some trees to change.

She hung up her wet clothes on tree branches to dry.

She went back to the group.


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