(38) A Day Together

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Everyone was in the Third Music Room, doing whatever.

Suuna was peacefully reading, until Renge burst into the door.

"Suuna! I need to talk to you!" She yelled.

"Uh, what is it?" Suuna asked.

"Be my escort to the new 50 Shades of Grey movie!"

"Absolutely not. That's the disgusting BDSM movie, isn't it?"


"Yeah Suuna, you should definitely go. After that, tell us what happened....or demostrate it..." The twins smirked.

Suuna slammed their heads together, "Shut up."

The twins whined.

"I don't want to go alone! Yet I don't want to miss out on a high quality producted movie!" Renge pouted.

"Renge.....just because the production crew uses high tech gadgets to make the movie....doesn't mean that the movie is high quality."

"It has no story except sex which makes this movie cheap as hell." Suuna explained darkly as Renge freaked out.

"You did not just-!"

"I just did"

Renge pulled out handcuffs, "I'll handcuff you to me so you won't leave!" She said as her hair turned into snakes.

Renge tried to put the handcuffs onto Suuna, but she kept running.

"There's no way in hell that I'm watching that! You smut-obsessed pervert!" Suuna yelled.

"I'll make you!" She jumped and clipped the handcuff onto one of Suuna's wrists.

"Oh my god! Oh hell no!" Suuna kept running.

Renge yanked on the other end of the handcuff which sent Suuna to stumble back. Then, the unclipped handcuff then accidently clipped onto Kyoya's wrist.




Suuna and Kyoya were handcuffed together.

It was silent......

Renge shrugged and checked the time, "I'm going to be late for the movie! I'm just going to ask Priscilla and Saraik to go with me instead." She walked away.

"Wait! Renge! Unlock us-!" Suuna ran and accidently yanked on Kyoya who fell then flipped Suuna over him. She faceplanted onto the floor.

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