(30) Haruhi's Birthday

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During the morning, Suuna was walking to the host club room.

She gripped onto the door handles and twisted them as she opened the door.

Nothing much has changed within those two months. A nostalgic feeling flowed into her and she smiled.

"I'm glad to be back." She sighed happily.

"Glad that you feel that way."

"OH JESUS CHRIST!" She jumped back and saw Kyoya standing behind her.

"Oh....Kyoya, you scared me." Suuna nervously laughed. He chuckled.

Then, everyone arrived at the host club room. Also happy that Suuna was rejoined with them.

"Where's Honey and Mori-senpai?" Hikaru asked.

"They should be here any moment." Kyoya replied, just as the two walked into the room.

"Good morning!" Honey cheered.

Mori did a nod and a "Hm" but the "Hm" was high pitched.

The hosts were in shock when they expected his voice to be deep as always.

Everyone cleaned out their ears, expecting it to be a mishap.

"Good morning" He said and his voice was very high pitched.

Tamaki and the twins tried not to laugh and ended up making stupid puffed up faces.

Kyoya covered his grin with his notebook and Haruhi turned her back so no one could see her smiling.

Suuna turned her face back, did a weird smirk/grin, and turned her head back.

"Mori-senpai.......What happened to your voice?" Suuna asked.

"I lost my it." He said, again, with the high pitched voice.

"Oh. I'm going to make you some tea so your throat will feel better. Uh, because this voice doesn't really suit you." She mumbled the last part.

"Stop laughing, this isn't funny" She told the rest.

Tamaki cleared his throat, "Yeah that's right! Stop laughing!"

Suuna gave Mori a cup of herbal tea.

"Thank you" He took it.

Tamaki and the twins "PFFFT'ed" once again.

She sighed as Honey smiled at her.

"Usually when people lose their voices, they can't nessesarily speak. But in Mori-senpai's case, he became a soprano." Suuna said.

Honey chuckled, "Since Takashi has a naturally deep voice, not all of it became lost" He replied.

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