(17) Overthinking

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Haruhi met her old middle school friend, Arai, in the pension.

Hikaru felt disgusted by how Arai was showing "affection" for her, so he snapped and shouted at everyone. He's now in his room.

Arai was about to leave and everyone was saying goodbyes.

Kaoru dressed as Hikaru to apologize for him.

"I'm sorry for what just happened" Kaoru deepened his voice to sound like Hikaru.

"It's alright! I'll be going now!" Arai left.

"Kaoru, why are you dressed as Hikaru?" Haruhi asked.

"Your voice acting sucks" Suuna added.

"Eh......" Kaoru stuttered.

"Hikaru didn't want to settle anything, so I did it for him" He replied

"Oh, and I wanted you ask you something!" He turned to Haruhi.

"Haruhi, can we go out on a date? Tomorrow?" Kaoru asked.

"Eh, sure. Why not." She smiled


"Who knew that you had the actual balls to ask someone out" Suuna said and stood next to Kaoru.

"Oh thanks Suuna. But I'm not the one going on the date, it's Hikaru" He said.


"Hikaru needs to learn how to put others before himself. He's such a selfish child sometimes so I hope this date changes that" He replied

"Smart move Einstein. But what if the date doesn't go as expected. What if-"

"Enough "what if" questions. I'm sure that this would work" He said.

"Well, I'm paranoid" She replied.

"But this isn't even your problem, you should leave us alone." He pointed out.

For some reason, she felt offended.

"I-I know. I'm just saying that...." She tried to play it off calmly.

"It's not normal to worry about a friend?" She asked.

He raised an eyebrow.

"......You're paranoid also, aren't you" She sighed.


"You act kinda douchy when you're nervous" She added.

"You're right. I am nervous for him" He said.

"As his brother, I have to try to do what's best for him. I really want to go to that date with Haruhi, but I know that Hikaru should be the one who goes" He sighed.

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