(15) Soft Side

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It was time for a club meeting, but Tamaki was asleep.

"The boss is still sleeping, eh?" Hikaru sighed.

He was dreaming about Suuna and Haruhi being homeless and living in a dirty cabin.

It then lead to him dreaming about Suuna being a cannibal after not affording real food.

Tamaki then woke up automatically, gasping for air.

"Sir, what's wrong?" Kaoru asked.

"W-W-W-Where's Suuna?"

The twins shrugged.

"I had a vision that she was a cannibal!" He said

"Sir, is something up with your head?"

"It seemed so real!"

"Wahhh! That's scary!" Honey whined.

"Tamaki, I don't think--"

"Hi" Suuna walked into the room.

Everyone narrowed their gaze to her.

"Hya!" The twins grabbed both of her arms.

"Throw up your breakfast! Cannibal!"

"Ew! Geez, I refuse!" She yelled

"Hold her in place!" Honey launched his foot towards her stomach, but she blocked it with her leg.

"Are you mental!?" She yelled.

"Says the cannibal!"

"I'm not a cannibal! I'm not Shia Lebeouf!" She fought.

"Hya~~~~!" Honey called while trying to impact her stomach as she kept blocking his moves with her leg.

She dragged the twins in front of her so they block his attacks from her.

"Ah! Honey-senpai, watch where you're hitting!" Hikaru yelled.

"Sorry Hika-chan!" He replied.

Just as Honey kicked Suuna's side.


"That's enough everyone." Kyoya said.

"If she was a cannibal, her teeth and tongue would've turned yellow by now" He added and grabbed her chin, inspecting her mouth.

"What if she thoroughly brushed her teeth?" Honey asked.

"Blood stains. There's almost no way to clean it except expensive chemical pastes. But of course, it's beyond commoners range of prices." Kyoya replied.

"Ahaha, oops" Everyone laughed nervously.

"And.....why did you choose to say that NOW? After I been kicked on the damn side?" Suuna asked, rubbing the stinging part.

"It was quite amusing" He replied, a bit TOO honestly.

Suuna stood up, giving everyone a dark look before exiting the room.

Haruhi walked into the room.

"Hey guys? Why is Suuna angry at you?" She asked



"--Pissed her off--"


"......" Haruhi was silent.

"YOU DUMBASSES!" She added


*Days Later*

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