(24) Strange Carer

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"Hmm, Asuna-chii sure goes to such a huge school. I'm going to get lost!" A transvestite exclaimed.

"What's this?" The transvestite opened the door the Third Music Room.

"Welcome!" Seven attractive guys greeted.

"Ahhhh! I didn't know that such hot guys go to this school! Mooooe, Asuna-chii is so lucky!" The transvestite said.

"Oh, it's just a crossdresser..." The twins shrugged.

The transvestite cleared "her" throat.

"Hello boys. Do you happen to know my Asuna-chii? She's short, light brown hair, the lazy one?"

"Uh, you mean Suuna Leonheart? Yeah, she's in our club" Haruhi replied.

"Oh! She has friends?! And with attractive guys! This girl is definitely surprising!"

The hosts nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, I'm Langa! I was Asuna's caretaker when she was young" Langa introduced.

"Hello Langa. But why do you need to see Suuna? She's not here right now." Tamaki asked.

"Well, I just needed to talk to that little munchkin. She's probably going through a lot and this point in time." Langa said.

"Right. You can stay here until she arrives" Kyoya smiled.

"Oh how sweet. Also, I would like to thank you all for being there for her. She would always push me away that I would often call her "Nyo-chan" She laughed.

"Why would you call her that?"

"Because she says "no" so often! But it's cute because she always pronounces it like "nyo" even until today!" Langa laughed.

The twins mischeviously smirked.

"Hey, Kaoru. Let's get her to say it" Hikaru evilly smiled.

"Right ahead of you bro" Kaoru replied

Haruhi sighed.

"Tell me how she's doing! I haven't seen her in years." Langa said.

"She's been doing great, Langa-san." Haruhi smiled.

"That's good to hear. Is she...perhaps open to you friends?" She asked.

Everyone opened their eyes from the sudden question.


Langa put her hand on her chin. "What a change..."

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