(28) Eclair

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At the day of the festival,

Suuna had promised Haruhi that they'll have tea together at the General Building Salon where the Host Club is open to public.

She wore a formal white dress that was long sleeved with an open back. The torso part had silver designs on it. The skirt part reached the floor, she paired them with white heels. And she wore her hair in a braided crown.

There were many people at their event. Even the mother's of young girls were attracted to the hosts. Which was kind of disturbing.


She turned around to see Haruhi in a suit with a white vest.

"Oh, hey Haruhi." Suuna replied.

"You're kinda late, a lot just happened while you were gone" She said.

"Huh? Like what?"

"Well, Kyoya-senpai got smacked by his dad for spending his time on this club" She said.

"Really?" Suuna sighed. "Why would he slap his own son for managing this club?" She mumbled.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. So, let's have some tea shall we?" Suuna said.

"Alright!" Haruhi set up tea for two at a table for them.

As the two were having a conversation, Kyoya walked up to them.

"Hm? Suuna?"

"Uh, hi Kyoya" She did a slight wave.

"You look nice today" He smiled.

"Thanks, you as well. And, are you alright?" She asked in concern. He stared at her, kind of confused.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Why?"

"I heard..."

"Oh, that. There's nothing to worry about" He smiled reassuringly.

She softened her look.

Then, footsteps came towards them.

They turned their attention to Kyoya's dad.

"When you're young, you may be under the illusion that there is all the time in the world but in reality, that is not so. Don't go wasting that time in things with no value!" Mr.Ootori stated.

"Are you trying to embarrass me by participating in foolish clubs such as this?" He added.

Suuna narrowed her eyes and stood in front of Kyoya.

"Mr.Ootori, I believe that your son is a brilliant person and that he doesn't need to prove it by not being able to make people happy in this club. Things that don't seem to have any value for you, doesn't mean that it has no value for other people also." She defended. Kyoya's eyes widened.

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