(31) A Prank for Tamaki

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"Tamaki-senpai. I was sweeping the floors and collected a bunch of your hair" Suuna pointed at the small pile of blonde strands of hair.

"It can't be mine! My hair won't ever leave me!" Tamaki replied.

"Well, none of us have yellowish blonde hair except you, senpai" Haruhi said.

"It can't be. I'm losing hair....." He said sadly.

Suuna was trying not to laugh

*Earlier Yesterday*

"Super Intendent, I-"

"Ah, Leonheart-chan, "Super Intendent" sounds too formal. Just call me "Uncle." Mr.Souh said.

"Uhm......Okay.....But I just wanted permission to do an experiment on your son, which is also my friend." Suuna said.

"What's the experiment?"

"It's actually more like a prank...."

"Well, I'm planning on tricking him into thinking that he's going bald by getting hair samples from the salon, that matches his exact hair color, and finding it in random places. Soon enough, I need to put a bald cap on him while he's sleeping so he will think that he's actually bald when he wakes up."

"I'm doing it for a health project to present depression throughout time after losing something you love and getting over it. The experiment will be off once he starts to except his fate as a bald person." Suuna explained.

Mr.Souh smiled, "I will sign your paper, only on one condition......I would like to help on your project." He said.


"My son is so obsessed over his hair and I would like to see his growing reaction throughout his process of losing it. So I would like to help you get him the full experience of slow depression." He said.

"He is so evil......" Suuna thought.

"Alright. I appreciate that Mr.Suoh."


Tamaki looked at the small pile of hair that apparently belonged to him. He looked kinda sad and stressed.

Suuna secretly took a picture and wrote down the analysis for "Phase One." Nobody in the club knew about this.

The next day, Suuna secretly scattered the fake hair onto the floor and swept it.

"Uhm, Tamaki, look at all of this hair you shed...." She acted/said.

He gasped, "Oh no! My beautiful hair! Oh~~" He whined.

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