(21) The "Unpredictable Lion"

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"SUUNA~~CHAN~~~~~!" The twins sang.


"Let's play a game! Called "Which one is Hikaru" game!" They said in unison.

"I'll pass" She replied. The two frowned.

"Haaah? Why?" They asked.

"Because.....just because" She looked away.

"You will have to play it at some time as long as you're in this club" They said.

"Remember, there's has been one girl who could tell us apart and that's Haruhi. We would like to see if you could also" Kaoru cheerfully winked.

"........" Suuna stared at their faces.

"They're so indentical. What do they expect me to do if they keep tricking us, saying that we're wrong even if we get it right. Also posing as each other, switching voices to confuse us. I only got it right that one time, but it wasn't because of a genuine explaination" She thought.

"He~~y, you're zoning out" Hikaru waved his hand in front of her face.

She snapped out of her thoughts.


"Asuna-san, we would love to see you try their game. It's pretty interesting" Their customers said.

"I don't know, maybe another time."


"Haruhi, can I talk to you?" Suuna asked during lunch. She was eating in the classroom.

"Yeah, what is it?" Haruhi replied.

"Okay, so the twins are asking me to tell them apart...." She started.

"Suuna, that's something you have to figure out. I can't really help you with that" Haruhi replied.

"I know that. But I'm just concerned. If I get it wrong, will they get mad at me?" Suuna asked.

Haruhi's eyes widened, "No....they wouldn't. I don't think so"

"Because, maybe they'll think of me as a bad friend for not being able to tell them apart." Suuna replied.

"Heh, you still have many contradictions about this club, huh?" Haruhi chuckled.


"Don't worry. If you lose then try again. Many people have failed trying to tell them apart and all they do is laugh. So there's nothing to worry about.....And you do worry a lot, Suuna" Haruhi said.

"Alright, thanks"


For the past few days, Suuna has been paying attention to the twins, trying the figure out their differences.

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