(20) Impersonation Part 2

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"I have some concerns"

"No questions. That's final, you are coming with me" He grabbed her shoulder


"Haruhi! You're out! Tamaki does not laugh like that and says "I'm gonna pee my pants." Renge said.

"I've been waiting for it to be over" She took off her wig and contacts.

"Why were you laughing that hard?" Hikaru asked.

"Suuna's impersonation was so accurate! It hurts!" She wiped off her tears.

Just then, Tamaki got a call from Kyoya.


"I'm at the shopping center with Suuna-"

"Um, excuse me? But I do not know who "Suuna" is. My name is Kyoya Ootori, youngest son of the Ootori family who owns a famous medical care-"

"That's enough! *scoffs* I'm here at the shopping center with Kyoya number two."

Everyone started laughing again.

"Stop laughing! Anyways, I need to keep an eye on...."him," before "he" embarrasses me"

"Gotcha, have fun" Tamaki hung up.

"Ah~~? No fair, Kyoya gets to spend time with Suuna" Kaoru whined.


"What are we doing at a shopping center?" Suuna as Kyoya asked.

"We're here to waste time. You have 8 hours until the challenge is over. Once that time comes, you can break out of character. If not, I'm able to force it out of you. Understood?" He said.

".....Pardon me?"

Kyoya sighed/growled.

"I know you understand me Suuna. Deep down in your mind, you're probably laughing at how irritated I am" He said while poking her forehead.

She pushed up her glasses as it flashes.

"Hm" She said

"Is that all you can say? Just "hm," really?" He asked.


"I'll take that as a yes" He grabbed her hand and walked around.

"Ah! Look at those twins!"

"They look so identical"


He shot a glare at Suuna and sighed.

"This is a pain in the back" He said.

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