(5) Too Much

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*Several Days Later*

"I got a B for my overal grade!"

"Same! I was about to get a C is it wasn't for getting a good grade on our last test!" The twins high-fived each other.

"My GPA didn't change much" Tamaki sighed

"Hm" Kyoya smirked and adjust his glasses

"I'm guessing you got a better score than all of us" Tamaki said and he nodded.

"Alright! I got a pretty good score! 4.3" Haruhi said

"I got 4.4 and Kyoya got 4.7" Tamaki sighed

Suuna walked into the room.

"Oh, Suuna! Did you get your grades?" Haruhi asked.

"You mean the yellow envelope thing? I threw it away" She replied


"I thought that it was a bunch of commercial ads for family fun time or something" Suuna shrugged

"No, it's your grades, and it's important!"

"Oh god! Okay, fine, geez. I'll get in from the trash, dammit" Suuna rolled up her sleeves and shoved her arm into the trash.

"Found it" She pulled it out

"Ewww! You just put your arm in the trash bin!" Tamaki yelled

"It wasn't bad, just a bunch of cake napkins." She replied and opened the envelope.

"Gosh, there are a bunch of useless flyers" She complained then read her GPA score.

"What did you get?"

"Score of 4.9. Fair enough" She said

Kyoya's glasses became foggy and blocked out his eyes.

"Woah! That's amazing Suuna-chan! No wonder you got a scholarship!" Haruhi exclaimed

"Hmmm, Suuna-chwan has a better score than all of us. Kyoya....?" Tamaki looked at Kyoya and saw his determind/mad expression on his face.

"Oh no" Tamaki said

"Hmph, no worries. She just got lucky since she started school a few weeks ago and missed out on half this semester's work." Kyoya smirked


"If she was here since day 1, I doubt she could've gotten that score"

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