(13) Saving Relationships

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"Alright Hosts!"


".....And an unhappy Suuna." Tamaki sighed.

"You've been gloomy lately." Kaoru said.

Suuna looked back at them with her face dark and annoyed.

"Eek" They all mumbled.

"Ugh, I'm just annoyed at the fact that all the novels that I've been reading are all the same and aren't worth the damn time." She sighed.

"I'm gonna go wash my face" She walked away.


"....Yeah, you go do that"


"Alright hosts! We need an introduction for the club." Tamakii announced.

"Who's got any ideas?"

"Hmmm, I got one" Suuna said.

"Alright, let's hear it"

She took a deep breath

"OURAN HOST CLUB! Where sometimes you feel lonely and we have to pretend to like you! No matter how fucking annoying you are!" She cheered

It was silent for a few seconds.

"I call that one "Honesty" She added.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN US?!?!" Tamaki yelled.

"Hey! Honesty is good!" Suuna shrugged.

"That's not the reason WHY we created this club. It's for entertainment, not pity!" He yelled.

"........Oh. So, I've been doing it wrong this whole time."


"Guys, maybe it's not the time to be thinking of this. We have customers waiting outside" Kyoya said.

"Wouldn't it be funny if they heard me through the door?" Suuna asked, chuckling.

"No, we'd be screwed"


There were a few customers in the room at the moment.

Two girls went up.

"Hello, can we see the Prince Charming here?" They squealed.

"Sure, I'll sign you up" Kyoya smiled and started writing in his notebook.

"Hey, how is he like?" The girl asked Suuna.

"Oh, you mean that thing?" Suuna asked while pointing at Tamaki.


"He's alright, I guess" Suuna replied. The twins chuckled as Kyoya wrote that down in his notebook.

"Tamaki! You have more customers!" Kyoya called.

"Bring the lovely ladies here" Tamaki called as the girls happily walked towards him.

Suuna walked away.

"We still haven't found out Suuna's type" Honey said

"Hmmm, how about "The Wild Type!" Hikaru stated.

"Uh, no. A girl doesn't fit the title "wild" unless it relates to something sexual. Most people will get the wrong idea" Haruhi explained, intellectually.

"Well that's your problem for being DIRTY MINDED!"


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