(8) Going To a Real Beach

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"Fuck my life" Suuna held her forehead.

"Oh come on! It's a pretty good day to go to the beach!" The twins cheered.

"But is going to the beach really nessesary to hold the club?" Haruhi asked.

"Of course! Now get in the car!"

"I absolutely refus---AH" They dragged her into the limo.

"Ow, geez"

Haruhi sighed and went inside the car.


Haruhi was wearing a blue T-shirt and beige shorts as for the twins gave Suuna the outfit she wore last chapter.

The two were gathering a bunch of crabs for dinner.

"Oi! We're gonna have such a great meal!" Haruhi cheered.

"Yes! We are!" Tamaki cheered back as a centipede crawled out of the crab he's holding.

"EEEEEOOWWWWWW!" He threw the crab and centipede into the air and it plopped back onto the ground.

"Don't hurt the such things senpai." Haruhi picked up the insect.

"It's creepy looking" Suuna shivered.

"Is...Is Haruhi even scared of anything?"


The hosts came up with a challenge to find out Haruhi's phobia.

They went into a creepy cave.

"Hey Suuna, what's your phobia?" Kaoru asked.

"Trypophobia...." She replied.

"What's that?" Hikaru asked.

"It's the fear of irregular patterns but in my case, I hate seeing heaps of holes clustered together" She replied

"Oh god, that is creepy" Kaoru replied, shivering.

"Hm? What makes holes creepy to you?" Haruhi asked.

"Well.....It just is. I just get really shivery if I find.......oh kill me right now" Suuna stopped as she saw heaps of barnacles on the wall of the cave.

"EEEEK! OH GOD!" Kaoru jumped back as him and Suuna hugged onto each other.


Suuna's whole body became cold.

"W-Well, it is a common phobia..." She replied

"RAH!" A ghost popped up from a rock and the female customers screamed.

Except Haruhi.

"Tamaki-senpai, I know it's you" She sighed.


The sun started to set as Haruhi and Suuna carried the last bucket of crabs into their resort.

"Well, that's all of them" Haruhi said.

"Haruhi-kun! Asuna-chan! There's trouble! A gang just arrived and the girls are in trouble!" These two girls panicked.

Haruhi and Suuna ran to the cliff where it takes place.

A gang member had two girls locked in his arms.

Haruhi was the first to step in.

"Hey! Leave them alone!" She yelled.

While Suuna told her male customers to call the police.

The girls from earlier ran to Tamaki, the twins and Kyoya, informing them that Haruhi and Suuna were taking on the gang.

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