(29) This Story Isn't Over

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"I can't believe the drama club changed their plot last minute. I just got in this stupid costume" Suuna sighed and put her phone away.

*Earlier Yesterday*

"I have to participate in the drama club's play as an elf thing. So I don't think that I could come tomorrow. I'll see about it." Suuna told Haruhi.

"I understand." Haruhi replied.


She was costplaying as a fantasy she-elf. She wore a gray-ish blue-ish long wig and a pink dress with an open back and the skirt flowed down to her ankles.

Suuna changed out of her heels and put on brown combat boots.

Before she could change out of everything, she heard the Host Club talking in the room next to her.

"Tamaki that idiot! He's already going to the airport!"

"We have to stop him! Why would he just leave like that! Without even saying goodbye?!"

The rest of the conversation was a bunch of mumbling and then footsteps followed by a door slam.

"Tamaki is leaving. Without saying anything? I have to help, even if I'm not in the host club." Suuna ripped off her wig and let her hair flow down before leaving the room and followed them to the garage.

Kyoya's butler was ordered by Mr.Ootori to not let Kyoya and the others go after Tamaki to stop the marriage.

Then, the Black Union Squad surrounded Hikaru, Kaoru, Kyoya and Haruhi. The frontlines had guns.

Mori and Honey made an entrance with the horse carriage to let the twins and Haruhi use that to chase after Tamaki.

Once they left, Mori and Honey were to fight the army.

The frontlines had loaded guns. The two were very cautious.

Suddenly, an arrow shot at a gun's bullet disposer as all of it's ammo scattered all over the floor.


More arrows shot at the frontlines's guns', making it all harmless.

"Looks like we've got a sniper. Glad that you decided to help us, Suuna." Kyoya smirked.

Mori and Honey looked at the ceiling rails and saw Suuna hidden behind the shadows.

"For the future of our club" She smiled and jumped down.

The three looked suprised then changed into happy.

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