(32) Harrison High's Challenge

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Suuna walked to the Third Music Room late.

She opened the door and saw everyone in one spot, as if they were discussing something. They turned to her.

"Suuna, why were you late to our important meeting?" Tamaki asked. She walked over to her usual table and plopped down on it.

"Class 1-B is pretty far from here. So give me a break" She sighed.

"Hmm. But elite and honor students are supposed be in A's. Since your scholarship statistics are high, shouldn't you be there?" Haruhi asked.

"Well, I'm taking physics and chemistry courses which are one of the most difficult classes. So I don't mind being in a slightly lower class for all the basic things." Suuna replied.


"You're taking physics and chemistry?" They all tilted their heads.

"You never told us." Kyoya said.

"I didn't think that it was important to mention. But.....isn't it quite easy to tell? Like, I always invent shit and make blueprints with Renge..." She replied.

"Or did you guys not pay attention to that?" Suuna sighed/grunted.

"We're sorry Suuna. We weren't aware" They apologized.

"It's fine. So anyways, what were you having a meeting about?" She asked.

"Oh yeah. Harrison High-"

Suddenly, the door burst open.

"We're the Harrison High's Host Club! Prepare for action!" A group of boys yelled.

"Ummm. Who?"

"Ohh! You're those male prostitutes who sell sex to your schoolmates!" Hikaru said.

"Ah! Excuse you! But sex is the most expensive thing a person can offer to each other! We have to give the best to our dear customers!" A guy said.

"I didn't know that there was art and meaning behind being a whore" Suuna stated.

The Harrison Host Club grunted and sulked, "So mean......"

"Yaay! That's our pretty lion!" The twins patted Suuna's head.

The HHC stood up and faced them.

"You guys think that you're all of that, huh? All you do is bribe girls with your good looks. You don't even give them the love they need!" A light blonde haired boy protested.

"Do people fail to remember that I'm a Hostess for guys? Un-fucking-believable" Suuna thought.

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