(36) Fight on

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"Is it me.....or does everywhere I look I see the Harrison Host Club?"

"They're spying on us."

"They even made a hate page about us" Kyoya said.

"Hm? What did they say?" Haruhi asked.

"I don't think that you want to hear it, but here it goes"

"Morinozuka Takashi is a walking brick robot who obeys a squirt who is half his size."

Mori stayed emotionless.

"Haninozuka Mitsukuni is a dense happy-go-lucky twat. His voice sounds like nails scrapping on a chalkboard and a bad violinist"

"Wahh...." Honey started crying.

"The Hitachiin twins will even your teeth itch. They are very irritating so don't go near them or suicide will call for you"

"OH HELL NO!" The twins yelled.

"The Fujioka commoner thing looks and acts like a girl. Man up, sissy."

Haruhi angered her look.

Kyoya read his and Tamaki's hate comments.

"WE WILL HUNT THEM!" The twins yelled.

"Don't. Just ignore them." Suuna said.

"Think about it, they're just wasting their time. Don't give them the reaction or they'll get their satisfaction." She added.

"Let's be the better people here. We're the classy and high classed ones here. The Harrisons will be them"

"I like the way you think"

"Yeah! You're right, Suuna!"

"Hm? They wrote a post about you" Kyoya said.

"They said that you are our personal sex slave that craves attention from the "senpais." They said that you're a low classed prostitute that will probably become a wrecked hobo in the future"

Suuna instantly got out her laptop from her bag and slammed it onto the table, across from Kyoya's.

"I'll demolish them" She hissed.

"Notopaso-kun...Let's do this" She opened her laptop.

"Didn't you just tell us to not give them the reaction or satisfaction?" The twins sighed.

"I'm not going to let them get away with it. This is anarchy! This doesn't mean that we can't defend ourselves!" Suuna exclaimed.

She went to the website.

"What are you going to do? Hack into the system?"

Behind the Door ➳OHSHC [#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now