(11) Newpaper Twats

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"Tamaki-Senpai, why do you keep interfering with people's problems. Especially with the newspaper club" Haruhi asked

"Well, the newspaper club isn't popular. Interviewing the host clubs famous host will get them many reads" Suuna replied.

Tamaki was in the corner, depressed that the host members wouldn't agree with him helping the newspaper club.

He gave off puppy dog eyes.

"Those eyes..."


"Those damn puppy eyes"



"Fine. We'll help them"



The newspaper club plan on finding out Tamaki's dark side to expose the school for public interest.

They were spying on them playing a childish game outside where when Tamaki looks back, everyone has to be in place and when he looks away, they have to inch closer.

"What the hell? Are they children?"

While the host are playing the childish game, Kaoru and Suuna were quietly talking.

"I saw Kyoya's host statistics and saw that your attraction percentage is higher than ours" he said.

"Our incest act isn't working very well" He added

"I think it just sickens people" She said, Tamaki looked back and everyone froze. He looked away and they started moving

"I don't get it, what do they see in you?" He asked.

"You don't think I'm a heartthrob?"

"Not really" He said in denial.

Suuna inched her face behind Kaoru's head.

Tamaki looked back and everyone froze.

Suuna lightly blew air into Kaoru's ear.

It sent shivers down his spine and he fell onto the ground. His face was red as he looked back at her with his hand over his mouth.

"Kaoru! You moved!" Tamaki yelled.

"Fine, fine. I'm out" He quickly got up and gazed at Suuna who was giving off an innocent smile.

He tried his best to hide his blush but failed.

"Kaoru, you're all red." Tamaki said

"It's nothing"

"My my, Kaoru, what even happened?" Hikaru asked.

"Nothing! I just fell!"

Hikaru looked at Suuna who just shrugged.


"We'll just make something up about him!" The head of the newspaper club said,

"What about claiming that he's eats his own boogers?"

"Oh! And I'll photoshop the cover!"


The next morning, Suuna made her way to the bathroom but saw a few people gathered around the newspaper basket.

"Prince Charming eats his own boogers?"

Famous host in the host club was caught picking his nose and eating it! Stay tuned for more exposed things about the famous Tamaki Suoh and his hosts.

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