(7) Artificial Beach

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"Haruhi~ Suuna~" The twins cooed outside after school.

"Hm? What do you guys want?" Haruhi asked.

Hikaru grabbed Haruhi as Koaru grabbed Suuna.

"We're going somewhere!" They lead the girls into their limo.

"Wait, what!?"


"A fake beach?" Suuna sighed.

"I thought that it was pronounced, "bih-tch" Hikaru said.

"No, I meant, a literal BEACH. You literally took us to an artificial tropical ocean" She replied.

"Exactly! Let's take you girls to the changing room" They dragged the girls to the women's room.

The room was filled with swimming suits.

"This is our maid, she'll be helping you" Kaoru smiled.

"Hello ladies. Call me if you need any assistance" The maid smiled.

"Hey Suuna, I think you should wear this one" Kaoru brought out a mannequin wearing a very sexy, revealing, provocative bikini.

"It'll show off that impressive breast size Kyoya mentioned last week" He added

"Stop talking about my breast size you pervert. I'm not wearing that" She replied.

"Hehehe! Oh come on~" He joked.

Haruhi walked out of the changing room wearing a pink one-piece swimsuit with a matching cap.

"Uhm, do I have to wear this?" She asked.

The twins nodded.

"You look cute" Suuna said.

"Thanks....What will you be wearing?" She asked

"I don't know...since these devilish twins want me to look like a slut" Suuna replied as the twins chuckled evily behind her.

"Oh well, I'll see you later" Haruhi walked out.

"Hehe! See ya Suuna-chan!" The twins left.

"Oh god" Suuna sighed.

"Asuna-san." Their maid called


"I found a better outfit for you. Wear this"


The maid gave her a black two-piece swimsuit and a striped cover up.

Thank god for the cover up, Suuna didn't want to wear the bikini alone.

She pulled her hair into a bun and thanked the maid before leaving the room.

Tamaki was outside waiting for her. He examined her head-to-toe.

"Approved" He nodded and started walking away.

"What do you mean by, "approved." She followed him.

Just then, she saw Haruhi wearing a yellow hoodie and Capri's

"Wait, but she looked really good in the swimming suit though...." Suuna sighed.

"Hmph!" Tamaki quickly turned his gaze at Suuna.

"You both aren't allowed to show much skin to anyone other than your husband!" He explained with tiny dotted eyes.


"Yes! Wait, now that I think about it" He backed away from her and examined her from afar again.

"This dress is a bit too short. What are you wearing under it?"


"WEAR THESE SHORTS!" Tamaki pulled out jean shorts from behind him.


"Because, if the wind blows, everyone will see your HOOOHAAAA--"

"OH GOD FINE!" She grabbed the shorts and put them on.

"Good, now you're allowed to see everyone else" He smiled.

"......" She sighed and met up with everyone.

"Oooh, nice pick" The twins grinned.

"Which bikini was it?"

"Can we see it?"

"NO!" Tamaki had a water gun in his hand and squirted water into the twins.

"Gahh! Oh it's on!" They had a water fight.

"Whoever wins gets to see her in the bikini!"

"Oi, I'm not the prize. Keep me out of this" Suuna sighed

"Yeah! That's right you pesky twins!" Tamaki stated and they kept battling until he slipped and fell onto the ground.

"Oh no! I've fallen!" Tamaki joked as the twins shot him with the water guns.

"Haha! We've won!" They laughed.

Until two water balloons hit them both.

"Not if I join in" Suuna smirked and rapidly threw water balloons at them.

"Gah!" They tried to shoot her.

"Crap! I ran out of water--I mean, ammo!" Hikaru yelled at ran to the pool to refill his tanks.

Then, a water balloon hit his butt which pushed him into the pool.

"I've fallen!" He yelled

"Hikaru!" Kaoru yelled and ran towards Suuna. Trying to squirt her (XD)

She dodged the water and threw a balloon to his feet.

He jumped back and continued to shoot her.

"Hmmm, I never knew that she would be a playful being." Kyoya did a closed eye smile.

"Take that!" She threw one and he dodged it.

He then shot water at her.

She stumbled backwards and was about the fall into the pool until Kaoru caught her by the waist.

"I won" He put the gun at her chin.

That's when Tamaki came back to life.

"OI! YOU'RE TOO CLOSE!" He yelled and shoved Kaoru into the pool.


"Suuna-chan, are you okay?" Tamaki asked

"I'm fine." She replied.

"Hey, why did you push me!" Kaoru whined.

Tamaki shot a glare at Kaoru.

Suuna lend a hand to Kaoru and Hikaru up from the pool.

"That was fun" She smiled.

Kaoru blushed and Hikaru rested his arm on his shoulder,

"I felt like fighting for my life back there" Hikaru chuckled.

"WoahOAHHHHHHH" Honey got sucked into the pool.

"Mitsukuni!" Mori tried to save the lolita but failed.

"Well........................that's not good" Kyoya said.

"Y-You mean that...Honey-senpai is lost in this--"

"--damn maze in a snow-globe....." Suuna finished

"It appears so, I should call our SWAT team to search for him. We should help" Kyoya said.


The hosts were searching for Honey. Then, a bunch of police officers ambushed them, about to attack.

"Aaah!" Everyone yelled

"OooooOoooooOoooOOOO!" Honey swung on a tree vine, yelling like Tarzan as he beat up all the officers.

"Bullying my friends is a huge "No no!" He said as the officers twitched in pain.

"Honey-senpai! You're alright!"

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