OVA 2 :: Through Her Eyes

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A/N: So, some people wanted to know how Suuna's life was like before she met the host club.

Here it is!


"Mom! I'm going outside now!" Six year old Suuna called out.

"Okay! Don't get lost!"

Suuna cheerfully nodded as she jumped outside and ran around like an intriguing average kid. She walked up a forest trail where bikers would ride along or for joggers to use.

No one was there at the moment, but she wasn't concerned. Suuna found another trail, leading to a different place.

She didn't want to get lost, so she dropped a bunch of pebbles after every step so she'll know how to return back. She then found a fawn in the middle of the trail.

She did a wide smile as she followed it. Suuna started chasing after it and the fawn ran off into the bushes.

Suuna looked in front of her to see a wooden cottage in the middle of the forest. An old man walked out of the cottage as she then panicked and hid behind a tree.

The old man noticed and chuckled, "Don't be afraid little one! I don't bite!"

Suuna slowly revealed herself, "Uh...s-sorry. I didn't mean to trespass..."

"Oh, that's no problem! My name is Shiro. What's yours?"


"Well Asuna, you seem a bit too young to walk here alone. Perhaps you're lost?"

"Nuh uh! I'm not lost! I made a pebble trail on the way here, see--?" Suuna pointed at the "pebble trail" behind her to see that it wasn't there since she got distracted by the fawn.

Shiro laughed at her silliness.

"Hmm..." Suuna blushed in embarassment and looked at his house again. She saw that there was a huge lake behind it, so she walked towards it to get a better view.

"Uh...this is yours? Old Man?" She asked.

"No, I don't own this lake. But we're allowed to use it for resources" Old Man Shiro replied.

"Oh...Who do you live with?" She asked.

"I live on my own. But I made a lot of friends with the animals around here" He smiled.

"How do you make friends with animals?" Suuna asked curiously.

"Well, it takes a while. They have to get used to you"

That was the day when Suuna met "Old Man Shiro" who lived in the woods. He taught her a lot about humanism and morals when Suuna's parents didn't have the time.

"You know, revenge isn't always the best way to solve your problems" Old Man Shiro said.

"But, what if someone does something really bad to you? Don't you have to show them a piece of your mind?"

"If someone does something bad to you that isn't maleviolent, then you should just forget about it and move on. If you do something horrible to them back without them expecting it, then you're a horrible person as well. You should never go down to their level, Suuna" He replied.

"O-Okay....And my name isn't "Suuna," it's "Asuna!" She complained.

"But "Suuna" is just a nickname for you! It's short for "Asuna." And almost everyone has nicknames"

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