(18) How Suuna got in Ouran

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(Suuna's P.O.V)

"Asuna, dear, please hurry" My mom called.

"Wait!" I replied, annoyed, putting away my book into my bag.

I ran over to her.

"Why am I taking this test?" I asked

"I want you to get in Ouran Academy. It's an elite highschool with high standards of education" She replied.

"Tch, UGH!" I whined.


"Asuna! Don't shout! People can hear you!"

"I don't want to go to that school. Why can't I go to a normal highschool?"

"It's for your education. I believe that you are a smart girl, Asuna, it's just that you're....lazy" She replied

Oh wow, thanks mom.

"I want you to take challenging courses, so please do well on this test" She added.

"Fine" I scoffed

We walked over to a building which seems to be private middle school for rich kids.

"Why are we here?" I asked

"This is where the exams take place" My mom replied.

We walked inside and saw many rich kids in the hallway, wearing clean and high quality beige and gold uniforms.

They all were staring at me.

Maybe it's because my uniform is plain looking. Ugh, doesn't matter.

She took me to the principle's office.

"Hello Mr.Minura, I'm Ms.Leonheart." She shook hands with the man.

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asked

"My daughter, Asuna, is taking the exam for Ouran." She replied.

"Oh, the Ouran exams are downstairs, after me please" He led us towards the room.

"Ms.Leonheart, what makes you want to enroll your child in Ouran Academy? If you didn't know, that highschool pushes things to the highest level." He said.

"I believe Asuna is a well educated girl. But, I don't know, she's pretty serious about the Internet more than her studies." She glanced at me and I gave her a "SERIOUSLY?!" face.

"The Internet? Is that so?" He asked

"Mom stop" I growled quietly.

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