(39) Suuna Being Musical

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The hosts were having a regular meeting.

"So, I think that our cosplay theme should be European related" Tamaki suggested.

"Are we going to keep making our themes culture related? Because we've done Bali and Thailand" Haruhi said.

"Yeah you're right. We shouldn't do cultures for now. Suuna, do you have anything in mind?" Tamaki asked.

The hosts looked over at Suuna who had her headphones on while blasting on music to avoid hearing Renge's summary about a hentai manga.

"But then the dude comes out of nowhere a few weeks later, and raped him for the tenth time!" Renge exclaimed.

Suuna pretended to listen.

"In the end the boy let the dude rape him as many times as he liked. And then they got MARRIED!"

"Are you listening?!"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Sounds......fantastic" She said sarcastically.

"I know right! Oh, and I have to go now, see ya!" Renge ran off.

"Can she not talk about yaoi with me?" Suuna grunted as she took off her headphones.

"So.....anyways...Do you have any theme ideas, Suuna?" Tamaki asked.

"Hm~. What about musical culture? Have someone dress as Michael Jackson or Elvis. Or have someone dress up as music genres. I don't know. Maybe a Coachella music festival inspired thing." She shrugged.

"Sounds like a plan!"

"Wait, you're using my idea?"

"Of course! We've never used your theme ideas before. So this should be

different!" Tamaki cheered.


The door burst open.

"Asuna Leonheart-San!" A boy with black hair and forest green eyes called as he roughly jumped into the room.


The boy then bowed down to her, "Please teach me to become a good singer like you are!"


"I beg of you!"

The hosts were confused.

"A good singer?" I'm not a professional or a teacher though." She replied.

"It's fine! I've heard you sing, and I wanted you to train me! Please consider it!" He exclaimed while still bowing down.

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