(42) Academy Confusion

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It was a hosting day at the moment. The Ouran Host Club were hosting the customers like always.

"So, Asuna. We heard that you're joining a second club. Is it true?" A boy asked.

"Yeah. It's to solve quite grim problems of students. It's pretty serious, we try our best to keep our community safe in the organization of justice" Suuna winked.

Her customers blushed and calmly fangirled, "So cool....I'd love to have Asuna-san save me"

Suuna sweatdropped.

"Speaking of which, when are you going to go there? It's been a few days since" Kyoya said.

"I actually have an appointment today after we close down" Suuna replied.

"I see"


"See you next time!" The hosts charmingly waved.

The customers nearly fainted as they left the room.

"Okay now I need to-" Suuna was interupted by weird hero theme song music started.

The room was dark and show lights started beaming up the room.

The hosts were weirded out.

"You've gotta be shitting me...." Suuna grunted.

A stage rose up from the floor with Marijane and Renge doing weird heroic poses.


Priscilla and Saraik were in the background, waving a small flag around the air.

"Now, where's the missing person?" Renge asked.

"I don't know you......" Suuna started walking away.

"Hey~~! Come back, Asuna-senpai!" Marijane called.

"Bye" Suuna shook her head in unamused disapproval with pupil-less eyes.

"Wait! At least put on the costume!"

"NOOOOOOPE!" She ran away as they four chased her.

The hosts were silent, "They fight for justice everyone....." They sarcastically clapped.

"Geez, don't we have an appointment today?" Suuna sighed while switching into her combat clothes in the changing room.

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