(6) Dealing with it

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"Oh~~~fuck~~~" Suuna's voice went really deep when she said "fuck." Paranoid much?

"Oh, my sweet Suuna. Ladies never curse. Please work on it" Tamaki said.

"I'm just really paranoid. I need to figure this out quickly" She mumbled the last part.

The twins slid next to her.

"And what might be the problem?" They asked.

"This SSL project I have to do. I started this school pretty late in the fall, so I don't have enough hours to graduate." She sighed.

"Oh, well that sucks" Hikaru said.

"Uhm, usually you get hours if you submit your report card with a parent or guardians signature" Haruhi explained.

"I know, I got Maria to sign it" Suuna replied.

"Maria?" You call your own mother by her first name?" Tamaki asked.

Suuna's face dropped in confusion.

"Maria isn't my mom." She replied.

He blinked a couple times and blushed in embarrassment.

"O-O-Oh.....Sorry" He covered his face.

Suuna grinned and removed his hands from his face.

"Lighten up Tamaki, she's actually my landlord." She chuckled.


"Alright, so, I'll get a lot of hours if I investigate other schools. I'll start with Harrison High" Suuna said while taking a metro to the school.

Once she was outside the building, she saw some students.

"I'm nervous" A girl blushed.

"Don't worry, the host club does this a lot. Don't feel too anxious" Her friend says.

The girl took a few breaths.

"I'm ready" They went inside the school.

"So, this school has a host club? I wanna check it out." Suuna smirked and followed them.

The two girls from earlier went into the club room and a boy shut it close after them.

Suuna opened the door a bit to peak into the room.

The nervous girl was talking to the attractive host. Then the host brought her behind the shoji (Japanese translucent wall dividers)

The girls shirt was thrown over the shoji causing the customers to nosebleed.

Their silhouette was visible.

Then, a bra flew across the room along with a flying skirt and panties. That caused all the customers to nosebleed so bad that it jet packed them up into the air.

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