(43) "She's Asuna Leonheart"

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A/N: OoooOoOOooh! Early Update!!! Wazzup with that huh?!


Suuna got dressed in her combat outfit and roughly grabbed her electrocuting boxing gloves, bow and arrow, and grappling hooks.

"Why are they here? What do they want?!" Suuna growled.

"Why did they take all of my friends? What are they even going to do?!"

She pounded her fists into the table, accidently breaking it.

"Those five....the reason why middle school was absolute shit for me" She said.

She gritted her teeth and jumped out of the window, using the grappling hooks to swing there faster and save her energy.


"You pricks better not hurt Asuna-Senpai! You hear!?" Marijane yelled while being tied to Renge, Priscilla and Saraik.

"Or what, Marijane LeFay? You're hopelessly tied up" Winona smirked.

"You guys were the ones from her middle school...right?" Kaoru asked.

"Aww, has she talked about us?" Minori teased.

"No, I'm the one who told them" Marijane spat.

Fiona put her shoe on her face, "Trying to ruin our plan?"

"That's why I left Yokohama and went to Tokyo. You're going to cause a damn raid!" Mari yelled.

"And so I needed Asuna-Senpai and a few others to work with me"


"Ah~, I heard that Asuna got accepted to Ouran a couple days back"

"That twat had ignored us for two years. After everything that we've done for her"

"Next year, at the end of spring, we'll make sure that she'll never forget about us. Because you know, no one should get away freely after our doings"

"I can't believe this. They're still going after her?" Marijane scoffed.

"I'm going to Ouran"


"You people have nothing better to do except attempting to ruin some girl's life. I hope you realize that all of this is worthless-"

A gun was being held up to her head, "This is just for one day. What kind of people do you think we are, spending our life's time for this? You sure have a way with words, LeFay." Tachi pressed the gun into her head as she was quivering.

"Drop the gun and no one gets hurt" Suuna walked into the scene.

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