(35) A Bit More About Suuna

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A few days after the whole fight Suuna had with the Hosts, Suuna has been sad and uncontrollably crying, even if she wasn't that sad.

It was winter break, so she could just stay home for a week. Right now, it was morning, she walked out of her room and sat across from Langa at the table.

"Good morning" Langa said.

"Good morning" She sighed. Langa looked up from the newspaper and saw that Suuna still has tear-stained cheeks and watery eyes.

"You're still sad?"

"I don't know. Tears have been just...streaming out, even if I'm not that sad. I just couldn't find the reason to it and I can't even stop it." Suuna replied as a layer of tears formed over her eyes. She tried to hold it back.

"Asuna, don't hold back your tears. Just let it all out" Langa softly said while petting Suuna's head as she cried out the tears.

"Fuck this shit. I don't know why I'm even crying." She stuttered.

"All these tears were from all of the times you held them back." Langa replied.

"How unfortunate...This is going to go on for days."

*A Few Days Ago*

"I screwed up" Suuna cried.

"Oh sweetie, what happened?" Langa walked over and placed her hand on Suuna's back.

"The hosts and I got into a huge fight. It was about my self-sufficent and secluding attitude behavior.....They were right." Suuna replied.

"I can't live a lonely life, that's not how humans function. ...I've been alone for way too long."


Suuna decided to go to the shopping center and to walk around.

She sat down at a table and heavily sighed. She thought that it would cheer her up to go outside from home, but it didn't work very well. She was still thinking about what they said to her, and what she should do to solve it.

"There was a time when I was a happy-go-lucky child...." She whispered to herself and played with a strand of her hair between her fingers.

She sighed again and closed her eyes.

When Suuna was seven years old, she met an old man named "Shiro" who almost treated her like his own granddaughter.

She learned to smile, laugh, be optimistic, look at the brighter side of things.

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