(9) The Yuri School

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Haruhi came in the room, she looked confused.

"Hello Haruhi! How's your day?" Tamaki asked.

"Mmmm, well, something strange happened this morning when I walked to school." She started.

"There was this random women who perhaps knew that I was a girl. She thought that I was being oppressed somehow by guys and said that she'll see me later" Haruhi explained.

Hikaru and Kaoru went behind her.

"Haruhi, stop making up stories. That seems too strange to be realistic" They said.

"No, I'm being honest. Why would I lie?" Haruhi replied

"Well, I trust her! We'll protect you Haruhi! From that mysterious women!" Tamaki fisted the air.

Suuna walked into the room with a different outfit than usual. She wore a black maxi skirt and a black and red shirt.

"Hello Suuna" The twins greeted.

"Hello" She sighed.

"What were you guys just talking about?" She asked.





Female singing voices interrupted the conversation.

Three girls wearing red school uniforms twirled around the room.

"We are from Lobelia academy!" The three girls sang.

"Wait, I met you this morning!" Haruhi said.

"I've returned, Princess" The first girl "Benio" held onto Haruhi's cheek.

"I want to convince you, darling, into going to Lobelia" She said.

"Hey! She's staying with us!" Tamaki yelled.

"Hm, yeah right. I cannot accept this beautiful girl going to school with these nut-heads" She replied and saw Suuna.

"Make that two beautiful girls" Benio smirked and walked towards her.

Suuna crossed her arms and gave off a poker face.

"And who may you be?" She held her chin.

"An Ouran student" Suuna replied bluntly as the hosts slightly smiled.

"Oh? So you'll be a tougher one to get through. What a challenge" Benio smirked.

"I don't see what else to do, I won't stop until we--GAH!"

Suuna threw smokes bombs that she got from the prank store and the whole room was smoking.

Suuna grabbed Haruhi and ran out the door.

"Oh! My darlings! Where are you!"

"Suuna!" Haruhi yelled

"I'm not going there!" She yelled and hid Haruhi under a waiter cart.

"I'll find you my princesses!"

She quickly hid under the cart with Haruhi.

"God, that was close" Haruhi said.

"Now, we have to get back to the club without being seen"


"Thank god Suuna escaped with Haruhi" The twins shrugged.

"I wonder where she got the smoke bombs" Honey added.

Just then, a waiters cart rolled into the room without anyone pushing it.

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