(33) New Enemies

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The hosts were teaching Suuna how to rollerblade for her part in the Rollerblading Archery.

"Alright, this is how you rollerblade. Just watch us" The twins said to Suuna as they slid through the smooth contrete on their rollerblades whilst doing their dumb incest act by dancing together.

She sighed and paid attention to their footwork. They stopped.

"Okay, now you try!" They sang.

"Yeah" She replied and strapped on the shoes.

She almost slipped out of balance but managed to stand up still.

"Woah, easy there." Hikaru laughed.

"Hmm." She looked down at her rollerblades, examining them and seeing how it could work.

"Yosh!" She quickly slid through the smooth contrete and made several laps in less than a minute.

"She sure learns very quickly" Haruhi said.

She tucked an arrow into the string of her bow and shot a bullseye into the hanging target.

She then aimed and shot an arrow right through the other arrow, making it spilt in half.

Suuna stopped and looked at the target, she didn't really expect the arrow to percisely spilt through the other thin arrow.

"You have a sharp eye, Suuna." Kyoya complimented.

"Oh, thanks, but it was an accident" She replied.

"Really~?" The twins asked.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

"It was still impressive! Now I know that we'll get this for sure!" Tamaki winked.

"Don't be too sure." Suuna frowned.

"We're gonna do great! Just believe in it!"

*Day of the Competition*

The Harrison High Host Club is the white team

The Ouran Host Club is the black team.

They all had sweats and sneakers on and there were many people there to watch the games.

"Suuna? Why are you sulking in the corner?"Haruhi asked.

"I'm just trying to relax myself in the darkness.....And I'm also under the pressure of many people watching my every move" She replied.

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