(22) Old Enemy

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Suuna was relaxing on her bed until she got a phone call.


"Asu-Sauce! Remember me?" An old friend, Lizbeth, called.

"Ay, Lizbeth. It's been a while" Suuna replied.

"How's Ouran?" She asked

"Ah....It's been an adventure"

"Aww, but tell me about that later. You've got a problem, girl!" Lisbeth warned.

"What is it?"

"It's Fransisca. She's coming back to Japan from Peru."

"She's your enemy, what if she does something?"

"It'll be fine. I've put up with the fucked up shit she has done to me. Like when she put dead crickets in my hamburger." Suuna replied


"I can literally beat her up"

"I know, but, she's manipulative"

"Alright, I'll be careful."

*Several Days Later*

"Suuna has forgotten that an old enemy was back in Japan.

But, she didn't need to worry. She thought that she could just beat Fransisca up badly.

Suuna was in the Host Club room while customers were there.

"Well, well, it's been a while. Asuna" Said a voice.

Everyone turned their gaze at a shadow coming towards.

A girl with red hair and light blue eyes walked into the room.

"Miss me?" She teased.

"Tch, Fransisca. Did Peru made you more spoiled and rotten than you already were?" Suuna restored.

"Nope, I'm sure it made me better than you now." She smirked.

"Oh really? What does "Miss. I-Have-Everything" want from me now? A brain test?" Suuna rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"So, you're still immature with your wording and restorts? Huh? I'll have you know that your words have nothing against me now." Fransisca walked around but then tripped and fell on the floor.

"Apparently the floor does." Suuna commented/joked.

Tamaki and the other hosts helped her up.

"Suuna, don't make fun of people when they're hurt" Tamaki said.

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