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Mark POV.. Melissa is a pure sadistic bitch I thought.. Thirty hours a week? That is basically cutting this poor girl check in half... Report thur the back door? Melissa knew this was pure humiliation for the former agent...I listened to her demands in disgust until it was my turn to speak.. I agree that Agent Jareau shouldn't remain on this team, but couldn't she get transferred to another team, maybe Anderson team... She don't have to see her former to often I suggested.. She can go to the sexual classes and anger  management classes but Melissa a demotion to a secretary job is just cruel.. Her pay check will be cut in half I explained... I understand what you are saying Mark ,but Agent Jareau should have thought of all of this before she committed her crimes.. A transfer to another team, is only a pat on the back.. It basically give permission for you to be able to back stab and hurt your team and not really suffer the consequences... And what is to say, if she transferred to Anderson or another team, that she wouldn't do this again? Maybe one day she can work her way back up, but in my opinion Agent Jareau is lucky that she isn't removed from the Bureau indefinitely... Silence and then.. All in favor for Melissa raise your hands... Lisa and Sean raised their hands... I looked at Jennifer and saw she was crying again.. DAMN you Melissa I thought.. Agent Jareau do you agree to the terms Melissa asked?

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