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Hotch POV... You are all present bc Jennifer somehow managed to get Reid to come to her house.. Before anyone could speak, I said Derek tell them everything you know... Derek explained the call in detail, and Garcia confirmed that she traced Reid phone to Jennifer house... Why would she allow him to leave his phone on Jordan asked? She knows Garcia could track it.. That's true Emily said, so she left it in for a reason... Aaron she have a restraining order against her.. Jennifer doesn't want to face jail time... So obviously she isn't afaird that we will call the cops.. Why Rossi asked? Could she be holding someone else Garcia asked? Yes but who I asked? Everyone that Reid love is here... What about his mother Jordan asked? Nall she couldn't get to her, even if she wanted to Morgan said.. Hotch is the only other person on the list to see his mother Derek explained..... Maybe she took him at gun point Garcia suggested.. Maybe but if that was the case he would not have let her touch him again I said glancing at Morgan... Reid hates her I continued and he would take a bullet before he let her touch him.. And he wouldn't have answered and forced Morgan to hear that shit I said.. That's true Rossi said so again who does she have? Silence and then more silence... Babygirl see if you can locate Michelle phone... Why didn't I think of that Emily said... She hates her to... remember how she threatened her on our last case.. with her eyes.. she asked Morgan.?I do and if she somehow kidnapped Michelle and then called Reid, he would go to her to save Michelle..omg Garcia cried... What is it Jordan asked? Michelle is at JJ house to... Damn it Morgan screamed as he hit a wall

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