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Reid POV... Take an anger class with that traitor I thought in disgust? I expected the suspension without pay, but not been forced to take a class with Jennifer... Anyway they hadn't even decided her  punishment for all her actions...I don't mind the suspension I began, it's expected, I don't even mind the anger class but with all due respect, why would I have to take a class with someone who not only continuity lied to me, but sexually assaulted me against my will? Dr Reid I don't make the rules Brian said.. I understand I responded but I don't want to be anywhere near Agent Jareau ever... Are you afaird you may hit her again Dr Reid, Mark asked? No I responded honestly, I just don't trust her.. Understandable Dr Reid but rules are rules, Mark said and even I can't break them.. I looked at Melissa and she said, I'm sorry Dr Reid, he's right.. If we try to go against these rules, it can turn out worst.. Although Agent Jareau is a lier, she's still a woman and you are a man she explained, so the courts will be against you she explained.. I nodded bc I knew she was right.. Ok I agreed, when do I start? Since today is Saturday, we will give you the rest of today and tomorrow to rest.. You will start Monday she said... Ok I agreed

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