Chapter 45

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Reid POV... I walked in the room and was surprised to see about twenty people here already... I scanned the room quickly and I was relieved Jennifer wasn't here yet.. We still had ten minutes before the class actually started, so I found a seat between women and a man.. I be dammed if I was sitting by that back stabbing bitch... Hi my name is Candy the young woman introduced herself.. Hello I'm Spencer I said smiling.. Nice to meet you she said.. My name is Derrick the guy said next to me... I looked at him quickly and saw although he shared my lovers name, he didn't share his looks.. He was white, short and slightly muscular.. I'm Spencer I repeated, taking the sign in sheet he passed me.. I quickly signed the sheet and passed it to Candy... Hello class, my name is Ms Turner but you all can call me Jena... We still have ten minutes before class begin, but I would like for you all to sit with the person, you have your anger issues with.. I groaned inside bc I didn't expect to have to sit with Jennifer.. Everyone begin to rearrange their seats, until they were all paired up...I noticed nobody looked happy to be seated with the enemy... I also noticed I was the only one sitting alone.. Maybe Jennifer wouldn't show up I thought hopefully, but I knew she would, bc she wanted to see me.. Sir Jena called bringing me back to the present? Yes I answered? Where is your partner she asked? How the fuck should I know,I thought and that bitch isn't my partner... I'm not sure I answered.. What is her or his name she asked looking at the clock? Jennifer Jareau I answered... Jennifer Jareau she repeated? before I could answer, I heard her voice. I'm here ma'am she replied... Good.. My name is Jena, please sit beside the  gentlemen there she nodded at me... Jennifer hurried to my table and sat right beside me.. Hello Spence she said smiling.. Jennifer I nodded

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