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Reid POV... At first I was relieved when Jennifer took me out if that chair.. That gesture showed me that she wasn't completely cruel...I don't even know why I asked her why she was doing this, bc I am already aware of her sick love for me... As I listened to her again, trying justify her actions and her love to me, I was sickened all over again.. When she took my hand I flinched, I didn't want her touching me again... Then she caressed my fucking dick, and started  kissing me, trying to turn me on... It wasn't working and I refused to kiss her back.. Wrong move I thought.. Before I could speak, she pulled her piece out of her purse, and placed it to Michelle dome... My heart raced and I knew one wrong move would end her life... She continued yelling and then begun her count down... She demanded my answer, she had already released the safely, and I couldn't let her kill this poor women.. JJ I'll do it I said feeling sick.... You will she asked smiling? If this is what you want, what you need yes I said... Oh Spence she said ,yes this is all I ever wanted... I couldn't believe Jennifer had fallen this low... But I couldn't focus on that yet, I had to use every skill I processed to get thur this... Both of our lives depended on it.. Spence she said walking to me... I want to shower and be fresh for you... Please don't do nothing stupid bc I will kill Michelle first and then Derek will take her place she threatened.. I kept my face blank although I wanted to kill her with my bare hands.. Nobody threatened my man Nobody..

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