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They stripped me naked laughing the entire time... Kinta continued sittining on me as the others watched... Steve rolled up a blunt and blew the smoke in my face for an hour.. After they knew I was buzzed the torture begin.. Joe was the first to take me I said glaring at him... I couldn't stop screaming bc what they didn't know, couldn't know that I was still a virgin.. The pain he inflected on me was terrible... Kinta was next and he was just as brutal... Steve wasn't as bad as the first two but it still hurted.. After Steve was finished Buelah came to me.. She told me that before I entered the school she was number one on the swim team.. she said I wasn't pretty, not popular, I was a nothing she screamed in my face.. She said since I wouldn't leave the team, vounterly, she and her friends would make me.. LaKisha handed her a toy and Buelah eyes sparked with glee... she shoved that huge toy on my ass and I couldn't help but to scream uncontrollably... I couldn't stop crying so she told LaKisha to blind fold me, so I couldn't see what was going on.. That was the worst thing they could do, bc amenity I Hayes seeing what they were doing to me, not seeing was even worst. LaKisha blindfolded me and from that point it was hard to see who was violating me.. The rape in both places went on for two days.. two days of abuse, pain, fear and not been able to see nothing, just feel pain, made me pray for death.. Death didn't come though... The last day they raped me two more times, before they took the knife to my vagina...I passed out after the second stab and when I awakened I was in Zip way park, naked, tied up with the dildo still in me, in my ass...I layed in the playground until you found me Mark.. You told me Joe had told me where to find me.. You cried with me as I told you my story.. On our way to the hostipal you asked if I wouldn't tell who done this, bc Joe told you he would attack your sister next.. we both knew with their power, their parents power, nobody would believe us.. I agreed bc I couldn't let anyone else go through this, especially your sweet sister I said smiling at Emily

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