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Don't shoot her JJ I said softly.. Why shouldn't I she asked.. If this bitch would of taken Derek home, that night you would have been mine she cried, looking directly into my eyes.. Looking into her eyes,I could see she had completely snapped.. Nothing of the old JJ reflected in her eyes.. What I saw was a complete mad woman,a woman scorned... JJ we can talk this out I said.. Your right Spence, we will.. on my terms and in our house.. Before I could respond she said Spence hold your arms out in front of you.. I did bc I couldn't risk Michelle getting shot.. Michelle cuff him and you better cuff him tightly.. If you don't I will shot you she screamed out of control.. I'm sorry Michelle said pulling out the plastic cuffs.. Dam I thought plastic.. Jennifer knows I can't get out of those.. Michelle applied them tightly under Jennifer watch.. Now the other three she snapped... I closed my eyes in defect bc four plastic cuffs guaruteed I wasn't getting out of them.. Ok let's go Jennifer snapped.. Lead him inside, but if you jump bad I will shot you both Understand? Yes Michelle said coming to my side to help me out.. I'm sorry she said again.. No I'm sorry she dragged you into this.. Don't speak she snapped... Michelle don't you date speak to My Reid, Jennifer cried out passionately.. Her Reid I thought.. bitch I'm Derek Reid I wanted to say.. She opened the door and told Michelle to put me in her seat..I looked at the chair and immediately started shaking... Although it wasn't exactly like the chair Tobias held me in, it still was a capture chair... Tears rolled down my face as Michelle gently lead me to the chair and sat me down.. Cuff his feet Jennifer demanded... Michelle did so... Tears falling down her face now.. Now sit in that chair she pointed that was directly across from me.. Michelle obeyed and she cuffed her with six sets of handcuffs.. She looked at me and noticed my tears..Spence she said coming to my side, please don't cry...I couldn't stop the tears though... Spence stop she said tears filling her eyes.. JJ I can't I said breathing hard.. You have me trapped just like Hankle did I cried... Omg she screamed  realizing the similarities of the situation

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