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Morgan POV... Dam I thought, I didn't want to go into this shit but we didn't have a chose... Although PB and I didn't hide our relationship, we didn't exactly broad cast it at work, we had to be professional bc of our job.. Now thanks to Jennifer, we had to air this dirty laundry... Dr Reid and I had an argument and he asked Agent Hotchner to take him home.. What was the argument about he asked? I was angry at him bc when I went into the bathroom I noticed he had been crying.. When I asked why he wouldn't tell me, he just snapped at me.. This angered me bc I didn't know why he did this.. So I told him to find his own way home but I didn't mean it.. But he asked Agent Hotchner for a ride and I was angry all over again.. So I grabbed the hand of one of my earlier dance partners and asked was she leaving.. She said no and I went back to the dance floor with her... I danced a few dances and in that time Agent Jareau and Dr Reid left.. Why were you so angry at Dr Reid Lisa asked?I took a deep breath and said i was angry bc Dr Reid yelled at me and asked Agent Hotchner to take him home.. Why would that upset you she asked looking confused?Bc we are in a relationship and I didn't want him riding home with anyone but me I explained.. You didn't trust your unit chief Lisa asked? Of course I do, with my life, but although he's my unit chief, my relationship is none of his business, anyone business unless our relationship affect our jobs I explained... Lisa nodded looking impressed with my answer.. After Agent Jareau and Dr Reid left, I told my dance partner I was tired and didn't want to dance anymore, but she saw thur me.. She told me I shouldn't never make my partner jealous with a woman bc that's the only area any gay man know he can't compete.. Then she warned me saying, excuse my French, I shouldn't trust the blond bitch bc she was a snake... Who was the dance partner Mark asked? Michelle, one of the victims friends  from the last case I explained

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