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Reid POV.. My speech worked I thought gleefully... I couldn't wait until class was over... I could finally get back my life and to work...I didn't even bother listening to the rest of the stories, so those two hours flew by.. Not everyone passed though bc like me they hadn't truly forgiven each other... After class and I went to the bathroom to handle my business...I checked my phone and saw that Der had texted.. It read.. Baby when you get out of class call me... We need your input and help on this case.. Love you  so much he said and added thirty heart faces.. I laughed and texted back I'll call as soon as I made it home.. I was in the head ten minutes ,bc that Chinese food from last night didn't agree with me.. Everyone was gone, or so I thought as I heard towards my car... Could you believe that this snake bitch was waiting for me? I glanced around and saw no cameras, no people was around... Good I thought heading to my car.. Hey Spence she said smiling as I approached her.. I didn't say a word so she continued.. I waited for you bc I was hoping, maybe we could go out to dinner and a movie.. I couldn't believe the gall of her.. Dinner and a movie I sneered.. Why Jennifer, what you want to do, get me drunk again and try to rape me I asked? Her eyes grew big, you lied Spence, you never forgave me she days softly.. I smirked and said no bitch, I didn't.. You are a snake and I will never trust you again.. Stay the fuck away from me I warned, bc that little slap and chock will seem like child play, if you ever come near me or my family again... Get the fuck out of my way I said.. Spence please she begged, don't shut me out again.. Fuck you Jennifer,I said it once and I'll say it again..I fucking hate you bitch and I will never forgive you.. Now move before I move you bitch.. Remember you don't suppose to be this close anyway... Don't make me call the law I says wickedly... I love you Spence she says moving.. I'm never giving up on you she threatened waking towards her car.. I shook my head as I got in my cast and drive away

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