Part 1: Unexpected reunion

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"Congratulations! I'm really happy for you guys, took you long enough!" Meredith said as Jo and Alex just announced their engagement to her while standing at the nurse station on a rainy Thursday morning.

"Very funny" Alex said sarcastically to the still smiling Meredith who just received a tablet from one of the nurses behind the counter. She quickly skipped through a few patient files while continuing talking to Jo and Alex. "So? Do you already have a date?" she asked still looking at the tablet as Jo answered: "No not really. At the moment we're just enjoying the time as fiancé and fiancé". "I'm sure" Meredith said smiling knowingly, looking back at Jo as suddenly her pager went off. "Ugh... Bailey... she wants to introduce me to the new general fellow surgeon she found at Saint Maini Hospital in New York. See ya!" she said, gave the tablet back and made her way through the corridors towards the OR board one floor below.

As she extended the elevator heading towards the board she stopped, frozen in her tracks as she saw who Dr. Bailey was talking to. She hadn't found out much about the fellow because Bailey wanted to "surprise" her so she didn't know anything about her new co-worker. Yet. "Oh. My. God." she muttered to herself still frozen on the spot a few meters away from Bailey and someone she thought she'd never see again in her life.

"Andrew?!" she half whispered half said still completely overwhelmed by the sudden encounter with her used to be best friend. She spoke quietly but sill he heard her and turned around. He'd recognise her voice from everywhere. "Meredith." He said with the same shocked and surprised voice. Suddenly her legs started moving again and she quickly made her way towards him until she started running and threw herself in his open arms. He waved his arms around her waist and held her close while she threw her hands around his neck as he felt her tears trickling through his scrub coat. He felt some tears leaving his eyes too as he held her tiny frame close to his chest not wanting to let go ever again.

Dr Bailey and some other residents as well as nurses watched them with a mixed expression of amusement and surprise on their faces as they silently observed the kind of strange scenario before their very eyes. After a few minutes of silence had passed, they released their hug and just stared at each other, both of them a huge smile on their faces, both of them with red and wet eyes as Bailey interrupted the wordless reunion. "So.... You two know each other? ...Obviously? "she said smiling at the scene in front of her but still with a hint of confusing on her face.

"Yeah... uhm we were very close friends when we were younger until I- ", "until you moved back to Italy" Meredith interrupted him still not leaving the sight of his eyes. "I really thought I'd never see you again" she continued as a few more tears tickled down her face and he was quick to bring her back in his embrace. "Well, I guess we continue our tour later Dr. DeLuca I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on" Bailey said slowly, finally turning around making her way back to her office to give them some time. 


New idea new story! I hope you like it, see you in the next part =) feel free to vote and leave a comment!!!

~ 04.05.21

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