Part 5: Changing colours

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"There it is! She is currently in OR3, she's got a small hematoma, Amelia is working on it, she should be fine Amelia is great at what she does." Meredith said trying to reassure Andrew, who was standing impatient next to her in front of the OR board.

A few hours later Shannon was brought into a patient's room near to the one her daughter had woken up just a few minutes ago. Andrew had been with her, trying to explain what was happening to her mother, trying to calm her down. Sally was surprisingly very understanding and just asked him to tell her when her mom is waking up, which happened just half an hour after she was out of surgery. Andrew had gotten a wheelchair for the young girl to bring her into her mother's room. Shannon had thanked him and Meredith for saving her daughter and especially Andrew who had stayed with her and brought her back to life after she coded in the ambulance.

Now Meredith and Andrew were standing in front of the patient room looking at Shannon and Sally talking through the window. "So... Before all of this happened I actually had kinda a surprise for you for your first day" Meredith said turning to Andrew a big smile on her face. "You had?" Andrew said surprised, bringing his attention on the beautiful woman in front of him thinking that Meredith smiling was one of the cutest things on earth. "I still have! Follow me." She said turning on her heels starting to walk towards the elevator as Andrew quickly followed her. "Soo... are you planning on telling me where we are going?" Andrew said as they got out of the elevator. "Would it be a surprise if I told you?" Meredith said with a playing voice. "uh-hu" Andrew said smirking at her as they stopped at the nurse station and Meredith asked the nurse for the chart of 'Elisabeth Jones'. "There you go" Meredith said as she handed him the chart. He quickly got over it and looked up at her with a shocked expression "What is so special about a tumour resection?". "YOU are going to do the tumour resection. That is what is special about it, YOU, Dr. Andrew DeLuca, general fellow at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital are going to resect a tumour which is attached to both liver and kidney on a 56-year-old woman!" Meredith said happily watching his face light up with every word she had said. "Are you sure?" he asked shocked not knowing if she was joking or actually wanted him to do a very difficult surgery. "Yep absolutely sure. As your attending I have to know what you learned in New York and to get to know your skills in the OR. I know it is a difficult surgery but I'm going to assist so I'll be there the whole time if something should happen. But I am sure you'll do great because I've seen you in the OR this morning and I am pretty sure that you are capable of that surgery" Meredith said to the stunned Andrew in front of her who was now smiling brightly.

"Good Morning Mrs. Jones!" Meredith said happily as they entered the patients room. "This is Dr. Andrew DeLuca, he's a surgical fellow and be the one to perform your surgery". "Nice to meet you" Mrs. Jones said as she and Andrew shook hands. "I'm just asking... you seem pretty young have you done such a surgery before?" she asked. "No I haven't it'll be my first time but you don't have to worry, Dr. Grey will be there the whole time making sure everything goes fine" Andrew replied reassuringly. "I'm not worrying at all dear, I'm sure you'll do great" Elisabeth replied smiling at Andrew. "So do you have any questions before we prepare you for surgery?" Meredith asked looking up from the tablet, writing down something in the chart. "No, you explained everything pretty well. I'm ready to beat the cancer!" she said with a huge smile on her face crossing her arms over her chest. "Well then let's go! Dr. Cross would you please prepare Mrs. Jones for her surgery?" Meredith said as she turned around to walk out of the room "See you later".

After Meredith and Andrew had discussed the procedure while the patient was prepared they entered the scrub room and started to get ready. "Nervous?" Meredith asked looking at Andrew with a soothing smile. "Yeah a little but I'll do my best" he chuckled looking her in the eyes. They just stood there, staring at each other. Andrew could feel a sudden warmth spread in his body and his head got fuzzy as he just stood there, looking at her beautiful emerald green eyes, which were able to change colour depending from her mood. It felt the same like it felt the day he left. They stood at the airport, looking at each other, both scared to say those three little words. Andrew was almost sure that she was thinking about the same. She had the same mixed expression of sadness and love in her eyes she had over 20 years ago. Suddenly the door flew open and a nurse came in letting them know that everything was set. Meredith quickly looked away, continuing washing her hands and arms as he did the same. 


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