Part 14: A real gentleman

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"So... dinner? Tomorrow? At my place?" Andrew suddenly asked as they were on their way back to Meredith's house after the wedding. Bailey was sitting in the back with headphones on so Andrew thought it'd be safe to ask Meredith now because he knew she was beyond not ready to tell her kids about whatever was going on between the two of them. "Dinner. Yes, yeah I'd like dinner" she gave back smiling turning her head towards him for a few seconds before turning her attention back to the street while looking in the back mirror to see Bailey still playing a game on his tablet. "Okay, looking forward to it" he said softly, looking at her beautiful side-profile.

As they arrived at Meredith's house she invited him in to drink a coffee before he would go home since it was already 9pm and the kids were about to go to bed. After everything was settled and Zola, Bailey and Ellis were in their beds, exhausted from the long and eventful day, Meredith, Andrew, Amelia, Maggie and their boyfriends Link and Winston were talking in the living room while sharing a drink. Well not really a drink since all of them already had have enough alcohol over the day except Meredith who still looked very pale for his be found.

"Are you okay?" Andrew whispered next to Meredith looking at her concerned while Amelia and Link were distracted by listening to a story Maggie and Winston told about a camping trip they were on. "Yeah, just tired" she gave back smiling at him. Both of them were torn back to the moment earlier with their minds. The kiss. Their faces were pretty close now. Almost close enough that if the room wouldn't have been full of so many other people Andrew would have just kissed her again. He loved kissing her. It felt amazing and refreshing and he could never get enough of it.

Suddenly they heard a loud thunder crashing in the sky as it started to rain. Not even a second later the house was filled with Ellis' cries. "I'm going to get her. She's a little afraid of thunders" Meredith said standing up. "I'm going to leave too. I want to get home before the rain gets more" Andrew said standing up as well. "Good night then" he said making his way over to the door after everyone replied with a short 'night' and Meredith begun to climb the stairs to comfort Ellis.

Half way to his apartment the rain was so strong that it was hard for him to see anything. He could barely make out the car in front of him so he was very relieved when he got home without getting in an accident. Just the few meters from his car to the front door were enough to make his cloths soaked in water. He quickly got inside leaving a little mess in the hallway, making his way straight in the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as his mind cleared while the hot water run down his body his thoughts wandered back to Meredith and he begun to smile bright. Tomorrow he was going to cook for her and she was going to come over to spend the evening with him. It was going to be perfect. At least he hoped it would be going to be perfect. Okay. He admitted it. He was scared. He was very scared. Meredith was a person to run away. There were so many things that could go wrong.

'No. This is stupid. They were great friends. What should possibly go wrong?' he thought, trying to rip his thoughts away from an image of a horrible date. This was Meredith. He practically had known her his whole life. Despite the gap in-between where she got married and where her husband died.

Slow. They would take this slow and everything will be great. It had to be. He was excited. Scared but excited.

With a smile on his face he went to bed trying to focus on the good things and hold onto his hope that the date was maybe going to be the foundation of a relationship.


The next day Meredith woke up with an even worse, throbbing head. She was completely congested and could barely breath, her throat hurt and she was pretty sure she had a fever. 'Great.' She thought. This was supposed to be a great day. She was looking forward to that date and now she was sick. Great. Really really great.

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