Chapter 6: She's My One and Only

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*** Matt's POV ***

How intense things got with Aly shook me up for a bit after our conversation in front of the bathrooms. I hope Jess hasn't noticed because that is not something I want to have to explain to her. I don't even understand it myself. I'll admit, when I first saw Aly, I somehow developed an instant crush on her without even meeting her, but that's probably because I was so bored in that moment and she was interesting. She's still interesting, if I'm being honest with myself, but she's not Jessica.

What I have with Jess is real. It's not just a crush, it's a relationship that we've built over years together and she and I are connected to each other in a way I've never felt with anyone else. I have to stop letting my fascination with Aly get the best of me. I don't want Jess to pick up on it and get worried or angry, and she doesn't deserve my divided attention. I don't have feelings for Aly, I'm just drawn to her in this weird way that makes no sense and isn't worth hurting the woman I love.

I think Jess senses something going on because I have noticed her getting extra attentive to how I interact with Aly, and maybe even a little jealous and possessive. I still find it weird that she didn't want me to tell Aly where I'm from. She and Tyler seem to be really hitting it off, and it's not like he isn't going to tell her everything he can think of to stay connected with her after we leave here and head back to my parents' place. He likes her, I think everyone can see that, and Jess has to realize that he and Aly will be staying in touch. Maybe she just didn't want me to be the one telling her personal things.

And the fact of the matter is, no matter how much I fight it, Aly is in my head. Especially now after she told me that back when I first saw her, she wanted to come with me and my parents to wherever we were going. I wonder what could have been different if she had ... but I need to not think like that. It doesn't matter. It didn't happen, and nothing changes just because I finally know the answer to the mystery. Besides, she will probably be hooking up with Tyler before this weekend is over.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts of her and look down at my gorgeous fiancée walking beside me, looking sexy in her hot pink bikini and designer sunglasses. I'm glad our friends came along for this trip, except during moments like this when I really wish I could just take her back to our tent and have my way with her. Though, I suppose it's a good thing my friends are here to keep me distracted because I'm sure all the families with children around the campground wouldn't appreciate it too much if I get Jess moaning like a porn star in the middle of the day.

Jess is laughing about something with Meredith, and I have no idea what they're talking about because I have apparently been zoned out since we started walking back from the lake.

"Alive, though, really? Was that supposed to impress us that she butchers innocent creatures of the forest?" Jess complains, and I realize it's Aly she's laughing and complaining about.

I knew this was coming, though, as soon as Aly said that bit about hunting down fresh breakfasts with her uncle. I respect the hell out of it, but I'm a lot more outdoorsy than either of these girls. I've been hunting before. They haven't.

"I don't think she was trying to impress anybody," Trevor cuts in. "I think that was probably what she was actually thinking about while eating a sandwich for breakfast. She strikes me as the type of person who goes backpacking, hiking, and whatever else. Just look at her. She spends tons of time outside. You can just tell from how tanned she is."

Yeah. Those strong, tanned legs are a big problem for me. Big problem.

"I don't have any issue with her doing those things in her own time," Meredith says, "but I am glad we don't have to witness it. I have kind of a weak stomach."

"Yeah, well, I'm getting kind of sick of her always bragging about how into natural stuff she is and how she has all these outdoors skills. Nobody wants to hear about her all the time," Jess continues her rant.

"Tyler does," Trevor points out. "Personally, I'm happy he finally found somebody who can put up with him. He's a lot to handle, and she matches him stride for stride. Plus, I don't think she brags. I think she's just really different from us and it's impossible for her to not stand out. Don't worry about it, Jess. She's not trying to convert you to her religion or whatever."

I feel stressed suddenly, realizing that I might have more in common with Aly than I do with Jessica as far as hobbies and interests. Not that it matters, because it has never been a problem for Jess and me to go do our own things when we need to, but I think it might be part of why she is getting territorial or whatever is going on. She has no reason to hate Aly so much, other than maybe she's getting paranoid that I will like her better because we share so many interests. I think I need to come up with something special for us to do together to show her she's still my one and only and I will always pick time with her over anything and anyone else.

There are some cool landmarks around here we could check out together. Maybe a romantic walk along the trails and a picnic lunch is what this day is begging for. I reach out to take her hand, stopping her in her tracks and waving Trevor and Meredith on ahead so we can have a moment alone.

"Hey, babe," I say to her, making sure to lower my voice slightly in the way that drives her crazy. "I was just thinking we could use a little alone time. Want to go on a date with me?"

She giggles and tilts her head to the side, obviously thinking I'm crazy suggesting that it's even possible to go on a date here, but after a little explaining and persuading she is on board and actually seems excited. I mentally pat myself on the back for how I've managed to turn her negative energy around yet again.

We return to our campsite hand-in-hand, me savoring the rare treat of her wearing a big smile on her face even though she's completely out of her element here, and her bouncing off to brag to Meredith about how we'll be spending the afternoon together.

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