Chapter 68: How to Werewolf

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*** Matt's POV ***

After Tyler and I finish breakfast, alone in the kitchen eating by ourselves because I'm not yet ready to face a crowded dining hall full of rowdy, pre-training warriors and Tyler refuses to leave my side, I am overcome with a rush of boldness. I decide to speak it into existence before I change my mind.

"I'm going to go to training," I declare to him matter-of-factly.

I know by the stunned expression on his face that it was the last thing he expected me to say, but I stand by it. If I can't handle that, then I won't be able to handle school in a few days. Might as well jump into the deep end while I've still got the security of other werewolves around to come to my rescue. It's also possible that my lessened headache pain is making me overly ambitious, though.

"I'm not sure if that's such a great idea," he tells me uncertainly. "Coming for a walk outside with me might be a safer alternative."

"Are you going to hold my hand through all my classes and keep people away from me in the dining halls?" I counter defensively, probably a bit more aggressively than I intended.

"I'll surely try," he insists, smirking at me as he leans over and smacks a sticky, syrupy kiss on my forehead.

"I find it encouraging that you're even considering it, Matt," Mrs. Bentley chimes in, sweeping her way gracefully into the room.

I haven't learned her scent or the distinct sound of her footsteps well enough to have known for sure that it was her I sensed coming, though I did suspect it. Tyler, on the other hand, jumps when she speaks. He must not have been paying attention because I know he should have been able to at least smell that someone was coming. He recovers quickly, though, smiling at her and chuckling at his own jitteriness.

"You agree, though, that it's too soon?" he asks her for confirmation.

"Not necessarily. I think that if he wants to try something then we should let him try it," she gently disagrees with him. "However, in this specific case, I think you should both skip training. Elder Gerard will be here within the hour and he asked to see both of you. Alpha Kane and I invited him because we thought he could help Matt in some way, or at least that he would appreciate meeting another wolf like him. They're rare enough that I'm not sure how many he has encountered in his time."

Tyler grins at the news and hurriedly finishes his bite of pancake so he can speak.

"Normally, I'd be sad to miss a workout, but I'm pretty psyched to see him again," he tells her. "He's quiet, but I like him. Not to mention, he's the guy who told us how to fight the Elders so we can both be with Aly."

"Yeah, which brings us to the other thing. He gave me specific instructions to warn you two that he can't talk to you about your mate situation. He's here on personal business, so the Elder business needs to stay separate," she informs us.

She looks back and forth between us with a serious expression, one I recognize from my own mother's arsenal of mom looks. It's the one that means she's looking for confirmation that we heard and understand her.

"Got it," I acknowledge, while Tyler nods and gives her a thumbs up as his confirmation that her message was received.

After we finish our breakfasts, we hurry back upstairs to get showered and changed so that we're ready when Elder Gerard arrives. Though it feels strange with Aly's dad not here, after our dressing and primping we make our way down to the Alpha's office like her mom told us to do. She is already in there waiting for us and even has some snacks and refreshments set out.

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